
Conditions of Sale

Order Method
The digital payment and ordering system has been temporarily removed. For any inquiries or orders please contact rentalThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or dial +31 (0)70 345 08 65. Please add the following information to your order (if applicable):

1)      Title of composition, composer, arranger
2)      Preferred instrumentation
3)      Your name
4)      Name of company
5)      Delivery address, and if different, also billing information
6)      E-mail and telephone number
7)      Any details of upcoming performances of ordered work(s), preferably date(s), venue(s) and town(s).

We will contact you as soon as possible about the delivery times, usually within one work day. 

Conditions of Sale
- Prices exclude 9% VAT and are subject to change without notice
- The owner of the performing materials is obliged to inform the local copyright society and Floricor Editions about any performance or recording of Floricor Editions works

Conditions of Hire
- Terms and Conditions of Albersen Verhuur B.V. apply, and can be read here

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