FLORICOR EDITIONS Publisher of Harmoniemusik® is a very young publishing company, that exclusively presents music in the realm of Harmoniemusik, the ‘classical’ music for small wind band. It was started by Bastiaan Blomhert, whose expertise of more than 30 years in the Harmoniemusik field is the founding stone of this establishment.Bastiaan BlomhertThe FLORICOR EDITIONS Publisher of Harmoniemusik® repertoire ranges from the middle of the 18th Century far into the 20th Century and mainly consists of first editions of pieces in the genre, that are an enrichment to the repertoire. In many cases it concerns hitherto unknown works.
FLORICOR EDITIONS Publisher of Harmoniemusik® presents Urtext-scores with an introduction and critical notes made after the best sources available. The parts present the most obvious choices for the performing scene. The editions are well-set in Sibelius or Amadeus, are very readable and have good page turning points. Parts for clarinets are provided in the original tuning, as well as for B-flat and A-instruments.
FLORICOR EDITIONS Publisher of Harmoniemusik® act according to copyright laws. This means, that all editions are either public domain or authorized by the owner of the rights. The copying of our editions is illegal and prohibited by law and will be prosecuted accordingly (as some people have experienced already). Any person, who presents an illegal copy of our editions, is entitled to the purchase of a legal one of the same work at a reduced price.
This FLORICOR EDITIONS Publisher of Harmoniemusik® website presents the works in alphabetical order of the composers and in chronological order of the various genres.
Please consult the different composers for more details, descriptions and availability of the works.
As of 1 January 2017, Albersen Verhuur B.V. has acquired Floricor Editions' complete library of works. Albersen Verhuur B.V. is a family owned publisher for contemporary Dutch composers and Dutch sub-publisher for classical repertoire around the globe. All inquiries, sale and rental orders are now handled by Albersen Verhuur B.V. in The Hague, The Netherlands. Please see www.albersenverhuur.nl for contact information or it by clicking on the Contact tab on this website.